Ever dreamt of having better grades in school? Always procrastinate until the very last minute before studying for your exams? Here ...

YOU CAN do well in school

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Ever dreamt of having better grades in school? Always procrastinate until the very last minute before studying for your exams? Here are some tips to have the discipline to prepare for your exams,

1) Start Small

Discipline is like a muscle; you need to train it . You can't expect yourself to have a great level of discipline overnight if you always tend to procrastinate. Set small goals for yourself in your studying and increase the size of your goal as you get used to the workload. The more you practice this, the more discipline you will have in studying for your exams.

2) Have a purpose
Rather than forcing yourself to do something, think of what is the main reason that you are studying now. Think of all the possible benefits should you do well for your exams and constantly remind yourself of these reasons. Having a purpose would make studying not seem like a chore and you will find it easier to get the work done.

3) Reward yourself
After hitting certain study goals (mentioned in 1 ), always remember to reward yourself for your hard work. Watch some YouTube videos, take a nap, or play some games. All these will make studying much more enjoyable and also give you a needed break after each studying session.